A tool for planning language and communication studies

Sitemap and user instructions
Learner logbook
ABC of Language and communication studies

Frequently asked questions

What kind of a learner are you?

Opinions about language and language learning
What you think about language and language learning has an effect on you as language learner. Answer the questionnaire to get a better idea about what forms of study serve you best in your learning.

Making observations and reflecting upon your own motivation as a learner is a good starting point in developing as a language learner. Your earlier experiences – both good and bad- of learning languages influence your motivation. Motivation is a key factor in efficient learning, and that is why you should try to maintain and develop it further. In other words, it is important to identify the factors that motivate you best in your language studies. These motivating factors can be, for example, the benefits of language studies for working life or travelling, not to mention the enjoyment that studying and using foreign languages may bring you. When you think about your own motivation you can make use of the information package in TILA and an accompanying self-test.