A tool for planning language and communication studies

Sitemap and user instructions
Learner logbook
ABC of Language and communication studies

Frequently asked questions

What kind of a learner are you? Think about your language learning…

Do you enjoy group work or do you prefer individual work, like reading for an examination? What motivates you in your learning? These questions are important because they relate to your individual/personal learning style.

It is important to get to know yourself as a language learner and to become aware of your own learning styles and strategies. When you know something about your learning process, you can plan your studies so that they suit your preferences and special abilities. In that way learning also becomes more fun!

The Independent learner’s space in our Kielikompassi (Language Compass) has a section called TILA. It is intended as a guide to independent and efficient learning. The next page has links to some task sheets which help you identify your learning style. You can also find these in the main TILA section.

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