A tool for planning language and communication studies

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ABC of Language and communication studies

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Language and communication study planning

After you have considered, reflected on, thought about what and how you would like to study, and after setting your aims and goals, you can make your own study plan. A good personal study plan is based on, for instance, the following aspects:

  • Personal: it takes into consideration your own interests, goals, and learning style.
  • Required: it follows the university statutes: takes into account the faculty requirements
  • Timed well: it supports your other studies and also ensures that there is enough time to carry out these studies.
  • Flexible: it can be modified to meet changing needs.
  • Diverse: it develops your own expertise broadly, e.g. in terms of your future profession.

There are two example study plans on the next page marked with comments, plusses and minuses. In looking at these you will see some more features of the study plan.

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