Language Centre /
A tool for planning language and communication studies

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Language and communication study planning

Examine these two study plans and the comments below.

Version 1 | Version 2

Study plan

- You should begin your language and communication studies in order to support your other studies in the best possible way. For instance, the Academic Reading course in English, required for most degrees, is intended to guide you in reading course literature for, say, exams and seminars.
- It might also be worthwhile to begin your studies of an entirely new language early in your university career so that you will have enough time to advance and reach a high enough standard. Even though it is often good to learn a little of everything, the benefit will be minimal if you only choose to study basic-level courses.
- It is recommended that you take your first foreign language courses at the beginning of your studies so that you also have time to take specific-purpose optional courses later on.