4.4.3 The Path - PHASE IV: Reading on the web

Theme: What is it like to read on the web
to raise awareness on how texts are constructed on the web

to raise awareness on individual reading strategies used when reading on the web

This Phase consists of five separate tasks:

1. Visiting a web page and focusing on the very first reactions
2. A drag and drop task on reading from the screen vs. reading printed texts
3. The multimodality of a website illustrated
4. The interactive nature of web content
5. In search for an example of Good and Not-so-good web publishing practices
Excellent Phase!

These kinds of small tasks work very well as tools for directing attention and raising awareness. The drag and drop task especially works as an easy access to the metalanguauge that is needed when reflecting on the topic later on.

The mode task could use a larger variety of modes available in web publishing such as the kinesthetic and auditive modes. Perhaps this could work as a topic for the final task for a group of passengers in Phase XIII.

The technical implementation of the last task could be improved by activating the links sent to the text field and restructuring the layout of the text field.

continue to phase V
Sivun alkuun