A tool for planning language and communication studies

Sitemap and user instructions
Learner logbook
ABC of Language and communication studies

Frequently asked questions

Classroom work


Register for the Language Centre courses in Korppi

Course codes and descriptions
The course descriptions give information about the course contents, working methods, and evaluation. The course code tells you about its status in the degree requirements (e.g. whether the course is compulsory or not) and for which faculty the course is intended. Most degree programmes require both compulsory and elective language and communication studies.

Recommended order of completion
You are advised to take the Language Centre’s courses in the correct order whenever the courses are intended to support one another, e.g. from academic reading courses -> communication skills courses -> seminar, conference, and research reporting courses, to academic writing, field-specific working life communication courses. The courses allow you to develop your spoken and written communication skills for various purposes. Make use of these opportunities and expand your own expertise.

Working methods
Typical working methods include pair and group work, presentations, information search and evaluation, and various kinds of self-access tasks. On the academic-level courses, in particular, the amount of independent study increases substantially, for example in the form of information search tasks followed by presentations. Some courses include contact teaching and a considerable amount of e-learning tasks e.g. on an electronic platform (so called “blended” course or ICT-enhanced course).
See, for instance, some of the blended English courses.
Integration means integrating language and communication studies with subject studies.

Intensive and summer courses
Depending on your own study rhythm intensive and/or summer courses might be more suitable for you.

Communication and presentation skills
Communication and presentation skills are developed in contact teaching through a selection of different practical activities. On presentation skills courses you can practise and develop your presentation performance, rehearsing your presentation and learning to understand and control any fears and anxieties you might have.