Mr. Shrimp's revelation


After meeting Sammy the Shark Mr. Shrimp went home feeling very confused. As you might remember, the conversation they had by the seashore was quite peculiar to say the least! Let's find out what Mr. Shrimp's revelation was. Listen, read and repeat after listening the tape. Pay attention to those sibilants!


I met Sammy the Shark this morning and I have to admit that he got me really confused! Later that day I met Sally the Shellfish, who was doing just fine. Sally told me that she, too, had had a similar experience when talking to Sammy. Then it dawned on me! Sammy must have difficulties in pronuncing sibilants! In my conversation with Sammy this is what happened: First of all, Sammy tried some small-talk; he said how beautiful the sea was. Due to his mispronunciation, I thought he had met a dashing girl-shark, who was single, even though slightly sore.

Secondly, we talked about our mutual friend, Sally the Shellfish, whom I thought Sammy was accusing of being selfish for some reason. I also got the impression that Sally was in trouble with the authorities, and was locked up in a cell! There seemed to be some kind of problem with rust, as well.

Finally, Sammy invited me to a party he was giving. However, it didn't sound very tempting, because it seemed that only one poor soul was attending besides me! I also started to get worried because it seemed that the festivities would be taking place on a ship, which generally costs a lot of money. And when Sammy urged me to shave my savings, I finally had to throw in the towel.

Thanks to almighty Neptune I finally realized what had caused the misunderstandings. This experience showed me why it is very important to pronounce carefully; and especially, to pay attention to sibilants. I mentioned this to Sammy and he promised to put in some serious practice. I’m confident that you will, too, since practice makes perfect!


This exercise enables you to practice your pronunciation with a native speaker. Listen the tape again in shorter sections (use the pause button) and try to imitate Mr. Shrimp as well as you can. Do this exercise several times. As Mr. Shrimp said "practice makes perfect"!

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