Welcome to the seashore - Instructions

This page contains information on how to use this pronunciation material. Every page includes task-based instructions, and here you will find more general information about these pages.


This material starts from the Moodle learning platform. First you need to sign in by using your ID given to you by the University of Jyväskylä Computing centre (the same you use with JYU webmail). You are able to navigate through this material by using the links on the Moodle front page and by the links on the navigation bar of the webpages. We strongly recommend that you follow the instructed order on the Moodle front page and on the navigation bar at the top of each page. This helps you to get the hang of the story behind this material and build up your knowledge about sibilants and their pronunciation. The recommended order is:
1. Mr. Shrimp and Sammy
2. Words from shell
3. Fishy sentences
4. Tongue twisters
5. Mr. Shrimp's revelation
+ Solid knowledge (theory) is a page where you can visit at any point while working with the material. However, it might be a good idea to have a look at it at the beginning, since the theory section clarifies and gives valuable information on the concepts dealt with in this material.



Moodle learning platform works as a base for this material. You can navigate between the pages by using either the links on the Moodle front page or by clicking the icons in the navigation bar of each webpage. You can easily return to Moodle front page by clicking the course code EKIP101 at the top frame of each page. Notice that you can access the listening comprehensions (Words from Shell and Fishy Sentences) only through the links on Moodle front page.


The theory - Solid knowledge

As mentioned above, you can consult this page at any point of your practicing. Nevertheless, it's better to take a look at it before you start, if only to check that you are familiar with the concepts and physical descriptions of, for example, alveolar and palato-alveolar sibilants. According to your own interest and needs, you can navigate by clicking the topic titles at the top of the Solid knowledge page on the left hand side. You can also choose between a short and a longer, more detailed, version of each topic.


Technical information - Listening the sound files

We recommend that you use Internet Explorer as the web browser to view this material. This way you can be sure that the material works as it is designed to work.
In order to listen to .mp3 recordings in this material, you need to have Windows Media Player downloaded on your computer. If you don't have it, you can download it here: http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/ or alternatively on the pages that include sound files. The Flash animation also requires a Flash Player, which you can download here: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0 or on the pages including Flash.
Bare in mind that whenever you enter a page that includes sound files or animations, it might take a while for the file to download. Be patient!



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