You chose this path because you want
to understand 'race' and racism better and because you want
to hear about the actions taken to promote tolerance in
people's lives. You remember that your presentation on multicultural
issues to the other staff is drawing closer, so it is good
to spend some time on this intricate issue of 'race' now.
Do ONE of the following tasks
- Based on your previous word definitions (see your answers
from intro a), based on the facts that you have collected,
and based on the film(s) that you watched, you should
by now have a good understanding of what racism means.
In this task, you are asked to write the best definitions
for the following terms: affirmative action, ethnic
identity, intercultural, multicultural,
racism, xenophobia. Use the sources indicated
below for help. Write your word definitions in the memo
format (use the links below for help). The memo does not
need to be long (about 1 page will do). Address the memo
to your fictional colleagues, and remember to refer to
the sources that you used. Post your memo (e.g. as an
attachment file) to the course worspace in Moodle.
- Think of a specific cultural or ethnic conflict that
you noticed in one of the films. What was the conflict
like? Can you explain where the problem resulted from?
How could the problem be resolved, in your opinion? Answer
these questions in a memo (lenght: 1 page. Use
the links below for help). Remember to give examples from
the film, i.e. refer to the exact scenes of the film of
which you are writing about. Address the memo to your
fictional colleagues, and remember to refer to the sources
that you used. Post your memo (e.g. as an attachment file)
to the course workspace in Moodle.
- Immigration can be a different kind of experience for
the first generation and for the second generation immigrants
- this means that children and adults sometimes behave
differently in the new country. Did you notice a generation
gap in the immigrant families in the film(s) that you
watched? What was the situation like? Can you explain
where the problem resulted from? How could it be resolved,
in your opinion? Answer these questions in a memo
(lenght: 1 page. Use the links below for help). Remember
to give examples from the film, i.e. refer to the exact
scenes of the film of which you are writing about. Address
the memo to your fictional colleagues, and remember to
refer to the sources that you used. Post your memo (e.g.
as an attachment file) to the course workspace in Moodle.
- This is a special task, where you get a real close
view of what it feels like to be discriminated against.
In this task, you are asked to watch the PBS documentary
Class Divided (46 min) which tells about Jane Elliott,
who in 1968 ran an exercise for her 3rd grade pupils in
which she separated the blue-eyed and brown-eyed children
to teach them a lesson about discrimination. You can watch
the full program for free via the Internet. Also have
a look at teacher's guide on the homepage of the
documentary. After seeing the film, write your comments
about it to the course workspace in Moodle.
- Instructions for writing a memo:
- http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/pw/p_memo.html
- http://aaweb.gallaudet.edu/CLAST/Tutorial_and_Instructional_Programs/English_Works/Writing/Business_English.html
- http://www.rpi.edu/web/writingcenter/memos.html
- http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/pw/p_tone.html
- Generation gap between first and second generation immigrants
- Should immigrant children learn the language of their
parents? News items by the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/3236188.stm
- Parents and children have different consumer habits,
BBC news http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/2367945.stm
- Read stories and memories of South Asian immigrants
and learn about their traditions on this page http://www.movinghere.org.uk/galleries/histories/asian/growing_up/growing_up.htm
- Listen to the radio program South Asia Debate
and read articles by the BBC that deal with South Asian
films http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/debates/south_asian_debates/1951553.stm
- an article discussing the immigration of Muslims into
Britain. Current situation and generation gap at the end
of the article http://www.themodernreligion.com/convert/britain.html
- What do the terms ethnicity, multiculturalism,
racism or stereotype mean? Teaching packages
- A teaching package for health issues students by the
university of Wolverhamption http://www.be-me.org/learningpackages/package4/health/index.htm
- Cultural anthropology tutorial on race and ethnicity
by Palomar College, California. Contains a good glossary
- Exercises and demonstrations about prejudices. Test
yourself! http://www.understandingprejudice.org/
- Racism
- Have you already seen the demo Faces in advertising?
- Great interactive online companion to a documentary
about race. Includes slide shows, tests and definition
of the term race http://www.pbs.org/race/000_General/000_00-Home.htm
- The United States has a long history of immigration
and the country has been called a melting pot of different
cultures. Read about the ethnic minorities of the USA:
choose the links Race and Ethnicity in the following
page where you find other relevant links too http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/index.html
- Read what the British MP Diane Abbot thinks about Multi-racial
Britain http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/modern/dabbott_01.shtml
- news about 'race' in the UK from The Guardian Newspaper
- Tolerance
- Watch the Voices of Civil Rights music video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_MKnyI_Dtw
- Listen to Martin Luther King's famous speech http://www.drmartinlutherkingjr.com/ihaveadream.htm
- Equality and Human Rights Commission (UK) http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/
- 10 key moments in UK race relations http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1517672.stm
- Fight hate and promote tolerance, a web project.
Read, for example, the truth about hate sites http://www.tolerance.org/
- Conflict resolution
- Listen to expert interviews about solving difficult
and intractable conflicts http://www.beyondintractability.org/resources/audio.jsp?nid=5112
- International online training program on intractable
conflict by the University of Colorado, USA. See at first
overview and glossary http://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/index.html