A tool for planning language and communication studies

Sitemap and user instructions
Learner logbook
ABC of Language and communication studies

Frequently asked questions

What interests you?

As a whole, the language and communication studies offered at our Language Centre cover many languages and many skills. Therefore, it is worth thinking about which languages and which sub-skills of language and communication competence you would especially like or need to develop and choose courses that aim at developing these skills.
You might consider for example:

What communicative skills would you like to develop?
What languages would you like to learn?
What kind of skill level would you like to achieve in each language?
What skills do you consider to be important for being competent in the language?

When speaking about language competence one must remember that there are several sub-areas/skills. Some people might excel in foreign language grammar, but their ability to communicate in everyday situations might not be so good. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses helps you choose the right level and the most useful courses as well as focus on those skills that need to be improved. Having a realistic idea of your present language and communication skills helps you in directing your learning.

Many kinds of assessment tools and tests are available on the Internet. One carefully developed self-access test for many languages is Dialang.