Sijaintisi: WebQuest / WebQuest on Ireland


The ship to New York departs in a few minutes. Does Jack board the boat?


After following all of the links, tasks and hard work, it is finally time for you to use all that informaton you have gathered. Based on the previous tasks, you now have an overview of Jack's possibilities and you have probably formed an opinion on what he should do. What is your advice and why? Please write your answers for the questions below on this website AND also save them in the course workspace in Moodle. In Moodle you can also view other students' stories.

Does Jack board the boat or not? Give your reasons: Why?/Why not? (remember to save your answer also in Moodle!)

Your name:


Your advice changed the course of Jack's life. Your final task is to tell us what really happened to Jack after he made up his mind. Write a continuation for Jack's story in about 15 lines. Where did he end up? Submit your story here. (remember to save your answer also in Moodle!)

Your name:


Before you leave the WebQuest, please fill in the feedback form!

Now it is time to move on to the other WebQuest, or, if you have already completed that, it is time to write the final report. Final report instructions

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