University of Jyväskylä Language Centre


University of Jyväskylä Language Centre

General Proficiency Level Assessment Guidelines for all languages taught at the academic level (including mother tongue)

(based on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages and departmental core skills analyses) - THE LANGUAGE LEARNER …


Spoken interaction Spoken production Reading Writing Communication strategies


…can cope with simple social encounters and routine-like conversations.

…can describe his/her student career and career choice using basic terminology of his/her own field
…can ask for attention from listeners
…can formulate and use simple phrases and structures
…can pronounce so that s/he is usually understood.

…dares start reading very short or popularised texts in his/her own field in the target language and - using dictionaries and other kinds of handbooks - can identify some main points in the text.

…can write short and simple messages and very basic descriptions of e.g. personal experiences.

…can ask for his/her turn in a conversation
…can ask for clarification in a simple manner
…can indicate his/her understanding in a conversation.


…can communicate and usually make him/herself understood in general and some specific situations related to his/her own field
…can participate, and even initiate, in familiar interaction situations
…can follow a well-structured and signposted presentation
…may need support from other partners in the interaction.

…can tell a story, e.g. the plot of a book or a film
…can give a short, prepared presentation on a topic of personal interest.
…can pronounce so that it is usually understandable for others
…uses the basic structures of the language reasonably well, although there are still problems with the more formal register.

…can find and understand the basic main points in a selected text from his/her own academic field
…masters the basic core vocabulary of his/her own academic or professional field needed to fulfil a specific task.

…can produce simple, basically coherent and understandable texts in his/her own field and typical working life documents
…can write texts which are quite appropriate in content and use the general and field-specific vocabulary needed to cope with the basic demands of his/her profession
…masters the basic structures of the language reasonably well.

…can indicate through repetition that he/she has understood the discussion and ask for clarification when needed
…can use compensation strategies and request repair for his/her vocabulary choice.


…can participate and communicate fluently and appropriately in even more demanding interactive situations related to study and working life
…shows the skill to react to what is required by the situation
…can follow extended, clearly structured talks and lines of argument
…attends to the most common norms of intercultural communication.

…can summarise in his/her own words the contents of news, interviews and other sources of information
…can explore topics related to his/her own academic field from different perspectives
…can give a carefully prepared presentation on an academic subject
…may be occasionally inaccurate in pronunciation and use of structures.

…understands and can summarise the main points of a text and read with relative  ease texts from his/her own or related academic field
…can use appropriate reading strategies and techniques and make use of dictionaries and other assistive tools  
… understands discipline-specific and cultural features of texts
…can differentiate between facts and opinions in a text.

…can produce with relative expertise various kinds of texts in his/her own field
…can produce a wide range of documents required by working life
…can write relatively fluent, well structured and critically substantiated texts, and use quite versatile vocabulary and reasonably accurate structures
…can use sources quite appropriately.

…knows how to play for time in order to keep his/her turn and to formulate his/her speech
…can monitor his/her own speech, identify the most common mistakes and repair them when needed


…can communicate fluently and accurately in various kinds of demanding, field-specific situations
…initiates and participates in even demanding interactive contexts effectively
…can use field-specific and intercultural conven- tions and appropriate style
…can easily follow most lectures and discussions in his/her academic or professional field.

…can give a well-structured presentation with fluent and versatile signposting using the conventions of his/her field.
…when needed, can digress from a prepared presentation and answer audience questions spontaneously
…can develop an argument, outline and elaborate on complex topics in his/her field
…can summarise orally long and demanding written texts
…uses fluent and mainly accurate pronunciation, intonation and structure.

… can understand and summarise the details of even extensive scientific texts
…can read and search for information critically and evaluate the reliability of a wide range of texts.
…understands without effort research texts and special terminology in his/her academic field.
…can identify possible cultural elements also in research writing.

…can follow the basic conventions and degrees of formality used in the  research writing in his/her academic field
…can avoid plagiarism and use proper citation and referencing techniques, although some inconsistencies may still appear.
…can write relatively fluent and clearly structured texts on complex subjects with very few language mistakes

…can use versatile, context-appropriate expressions to maintain and obtain a turn
…can integrate his/her turn in the discussions in the manner required by the situation
…can use circumlocutions for lexical items forgotten without the interlocutor paying attention to it.





…masters the discourse conventions and style of the research writing in his/her academic field.
…can evaluate, use and interpret sources in an appropriate way and incorporate information in his/her own writing
…can structure and focus his/her own writing into a logical and clear whole
…uses the language in a varied, fluent and accurate way resulting in a good flow.