What can happen during 24 hours, if you are a student at the university of Jyväskylä?
Listen to this story (chapters 1 - 9), so you'll know! You can also listen to the individual chapters, e.g. chapters 1 and 7, but then you won't know everything...
Kappale 1: Moi! Jonossa opintotoimistossa
Kappale 2: Onpa kiva ilma!
Kappale 3: Haluatsä syödä jotain?
Kappale 4: Hei, mitä sä teet illalla?
Kappale 5: Mihin sä olet menossa?
Kappale 6: Kato, kiva paita!
Kappale 7: Kenen kännykkä soi?
Kappale 8: Kapakassa - "Eiks täällä saa polttaa?"
Kappale 9: Mikä ihana aamu!
Print all questions here.
This is the structure of each chapter:
The number of the part
Listen here!
Questions about the content
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Questions about the phrasesAnswers
Questions? + Bolded answers
The whole script with bolded answers
If you don't understand something, don't look at the answers immediately but check the script first.