4.4.4 Time, Sitemap and Info

In addition to the three main sections of the learning space, the Netro journey is supported by three smaller icons, which are located in the upper navigation bar (Figure 18). First, there is the time, which opens a small window in which the timeframe of the course is visualised and the passengers can check the pace of the journey. Second, there is the Sitemap, which offers a chance for the passengers to see the overall structure of the learning space in detail. The Sitemap also offers an additional option for navigating in the learning space. Third, the Info section is the largest of the three. In the Info the passengers can get a brief introduction to Netro, its theoretical background and objectives. The passengers are also offered instructions for using the actual learning space. The three-fold structure, the navigation bars and the icons used as well as the technical requirements of the learning space are introduced in this section. We also included copyright information of the learning space in this section.

Figure 18. Time, Sitemap and Info icons in the navigation bar

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