Self-assessment test

Writing (B1)

1. I can use the grammar and words I have learnt to get most of my meaning across without help, although I often need help to make my language correct.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
2. I can write texts that are quite long, and organise them in paragraphs.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
3. I can write descriptions of people, places or things I know well.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
4. I can write simple stories that tell about things that happened in the past.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
5. I can write longer letters or e-mails to people I know, telling about what I think about things and how I feel.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
6. I can join in chats on the Internet, if the theme is familiar.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
7. I can write messages or letters suggesting things to do or places to go.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
8. I can fill in tables and charts with detailed information I have been given.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
9. I can write simple instructions for how to do things which I often do.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
10. I can write poems or text that have short simple lines or express simple or familiar ideas.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
11. I can write texts which borrow words and phrases from the Internet and link these into my own work, for example in projects.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.



Click this if you got 9 or more "Yes, I can"-answers. You can find out, if you are on a higher level (B2).

Click this if you got less than 9 "Yes, I can"-answers. You may want to test yourself on level A2.


Click this if you want to read more about level B1, and to find out which courses are recommended for this level.